In this post I brought some gold rimmed white china teacups and saucers, I planted some crocus bulbs in them and watched them grow. I posted updates on Instagram of their progress
I celebrated St Valentines day with my hubby and a home made card that involved lots of tiny pieces of colored tape, I really enjoyed the end result
As well as enjoying a lovely family Easter I pulled out my paintbrushes and attacked a couple of pieces of furniture
I had lost my Sew-jo so I dressed my newly painted mantle-piece with some of my vintage sewing haberdashery. I can't say that it light a fire under my sewing ambition but I kept it up until I decorated for Christmas.
I finally got round to taking part in Me Made May. my pledge was to wear me made at least once a week and this was easily achieved.
WOW no wonder I was challenged for my decision to start preparing for Christmas in June, I revealed my crazy plan to create 50 makes for Christmas
I cracked on with my Christmas challenge and made, what I think are, lovely felt holly garland
In the height of summer here I am making Christmas cushion covers out of tea towels, in my little world this makes complete sense!
My production of Christmas projects started to hot up a bit in September and included these cute felt toadstools for the Christmas tree
Despite a great out putting of Christmas makes I still found time to take my camera for an Autumnal walk
Into November and our little world changed forever when our beautiful Granddaughter came into the world. My brother refers to me as first Grandmother on scene which makes me laugh, I was privileged to be there for the birth and got to cut the cord which I found very symbolic. Granny duties only slowed me down slightly in my Christmas challenge and this snowglobe was one of my favorites
So here we are in December with all 50 makes for Christmas completed. My favorite is the Christmas stocking I made for baby Esme.
It has been a very eventful year for our family with the focus being my daughter and her boyfriend buying a house that need a complete renovate and then deciding to build an extension not knowing that she was pregnant! It only needed George Clark and a Channel 4 film crew to turn up for the full cliche. The renovations are completed and the extension is watertight but is still under going the fit out. My husband and her boyfriend have done everything but build the extension themselves along with help from the other set of parents and family and friends. It has been an amazing adventure but I will be happy when it is completed and we can just go and visit without there being a list of jobs to do!
I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and that Santa was kind to you. It has been fun looking back and I feel that I can claim a sense of achievement for all the projects I have completed in 2016. I would love to know which one was your favorite or if you were inspired to have a go at any of them yourself