I know its not even December and I am writing a Christmas blog, in my defense you do need to think about your advent calendar before the 1st of December unless you are hoping to bag a cut price bargain at the last minute.
Advent numbers from free printable source |
When I was a child our advent calendar was made of card, reused each year until one of the doors dropped off and only then it was replaced. There was no chocolate involved, there was a big door for number 24 and there was always a picture of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus. I was one of 3 children and we took it in turns to open a door, my Mum kept a note of who had opened the big doors the year before and worked it out so that privilege was moved round so we all had a fair turn.
Nowadays the supermarkets offer us a chocolate treat behind every door and you would struggle to find any religious references on the vast majority, with cartoon characters being the preferred theme. They are available from mid October and everyone in the household has their own.
No1 Advent Calendar |
In recent years I have looked around for new ideas, Pinterest has of course helped fuel this as there are so many creative and imaginative ideas as well as traditions from other parts of the world that are shared. I very much like the Scandic tradition of counting own the Sundays to Advent by lighting a candle, last year I used four pillar candles and just tied a numbered kraft tag on each one and then remind Hubby which one(s) he could or couldn't light. The year before I used a star shaped blackboard and just changed the number each day.
While the last couple of years have been simple and understated this year my creative juices have gone into overdrive and I am going completely overboard! I am planning a multi medium extravaganza that will hang in my lounge and so it needs to be decorative both before and after each day is opened.
1 to 24 free Advent Calendar print outs |
I am a big fan of Pinterest and have created
this board full of advent ideas so please feel free to jump in and pin away.
As there are several elements to my plan I will share these with you as I go along. The first thing I have done is print out the numbers that I am going to use, I have used the black and white mixed fonts from the link below, although I may substitute some of them as I have a couple of other ideas, it will depend how it all comes together.
Free to download - Advent calendar numbers
Vintage style envelopes with numbers
Cute animals with blue background
Black and white mixed fonts numbers
As this calendar is an extravaganza I wanted it to have a few elements to it so one of the things that I am including is a selection of cheesy Christmas jokes from the links below, these can also be printed out and put in lunchboxes for a little festive smile.
Christmas jokes
Free to download Christmas jokes - child friendly
Christmas jokes on picture back ground
Printable Christmas cracker jokes
I am intending to blog everyday in December up to the big day, I have a daily photo challenge as part of my advent calendar which I will be sharing with you on my next post, I will be sharing my daily Christmas joke as well as any Christmas makes, bakes and any general Christmas good stuff.
As you can see from the pictures above I will be including some of the paper bags I had left over from my Red Nose day baking bonanza, although they may not be no 1 and no 24 in the final mix.
I hope this wasn't too harrowing for those of a delicate nature as far as Christmas is concerned and that you will pop back for part two.
What are your advent calendar plans?
A - Supermarket chocolate goodness
B - Four candles
C- You have inspired me to make my own
D - I will be reusing last years
E - Don't bother me with Christmas stuff its too early
F - Not for me thanks
Please leave a reply to let me know that you popped by