Last year I blogged my Christmas countdown from the 1st of December up to Christmas Eve but December can be such a busy time of the year not to mention expensive so I have decided to make an early start to ease some of the pressure. I started by compiling a list of 24 makes but I am now up to 75!! some of them are a bit vague "make something with button" some are really detailed with sketches and of course I have started a Pinterest board (currently locked down). I have settled on 50 makes in the end, but I am not going to publish the list as I think it will evolve a little as I go along and I want this to be a fun thing and not something I must do because the list says so.
Rather than rushing out and buying a whole lot of new stuff I want to try and use up things I already have such as blackboard paint, coloured strings, brown paper, pine cones etc but I do recognise that a small amount of expenditure will be inevitable because my will power is not strong enough! and I may need to get things to finish off a project.
If you are feeling a little festive here is little bit of Wizzard to sing along to.
Please share you thoughts, am I way too early and not living in the moment or am I on your wave length and you already have your own plans drawn up?
I am with you on this, my list is in my head. Never too early, good luck with your list!
ReplyDeleteI am with you on this, my list is in my head. Never too early, good luck with your list!
ReplyDeleteI must confess to being a prolific list maker, admittedly sometimes things only get as far as a list and no further :)