Saturday, 7 October 2017

Things that don't go to plan

Hi All,

It has been a while since I posted anything and there is a reason for that.  I had scheduled a post about a weekend away we were taking down to St Ives, our usual trip on the sleeper train, pottering about, taking a few snaps, enjoying a cream tea etc etc. However, my body decided that this was all too boring and it wanted to add some drama to the event and I had a prolapse!  My exact words to my hubby were "my insides are falling out!"

After the initial shock I called 111 for advice, I was told this is a common occurrence! (according to the NHS website 1 in 10 women suffer from prolapse). A Doctor called me back explained that many women just live with this, he said I could go to Penzance that evening if I wanted to go to a walk-in centre but I would be OK to just take it easy and not lift anything.  As we were 7 miles away and didn't have a car I decided that I would wait and see my GP when I got home.

My GP confirmed the over the phone diagnosis and arranged an appointment with a consultant gynecologist. At the appointment I was offered either a pessary (a ring that sits inside and holds things up) that needed to be changed every 6 months or surgery.  I have opted for surgery, it will be three ops in one, anterior and posterior pelvic floor repairs and hysterectomy.  I am scheduled in for 24th October, I am going in as a private patient using hubbys BUPA package.  There is a recovery period of about 12 weeks! I fear that after the initial pain has calmed down boredom might be my biggest enemy.

So ladies what ever your age please do your pelvic floor exercises every day, they may prevent this from happening to you and if it does happen the stronger your pelvic floor muscles are the better you will be able to deal with it. I have just downloaded an app from TENA that has a guide on how to do them and a reminder to add to your phone to give you a nudge so you don't forget to do them.

I will let you know how it all goes but in the mean time keep up those pelvic floor exercises x


  1. Best wishes for your hospital stay. I hope you are soon feeling better x

  2. Oh Sandra, that is major. 12 weeks is a long recovery. Prepare things now that can keep you occupied for that period of time that will not involve lifting. All the best for your surgery.

  3. Thanks lovelies, I have been filling the freezer with meals that can be defrosted overnight and dumped in the slow cooker for a few hours. I have picked up a few books on my charity shop rambles but I will think about a couple of small project to keep the boredom at bay :) xx
