Wednesday, 25 October 2017

I am back

Just a quick update, I had my ops yesterday. Hysterectomy, and front and back pelvic floor repairs (so classed as 3 ops).  I spent one night in hospital and was discharged at lunch time today.

I have been signed off work for 2 months but have been advised by the consultant that the recovery period will be 2 and a half to 3 months! I was told 12 weeks when I agreed to the op but thought that once I could drive (6 to 8 weeks) I would be back at work.

I can't lift anything heavier than a kilo for the first few weeks so even if I am feeling OK I have to resist getting involved with the likes of vacuuming, pushing the trolley round the supermarket, hauling washing in and out of the machine etc. Luckily hubby is on hand to pick up all these tasks, although we have agreed that he doesn't have to do any ironing and I am prepared to go with the flow in the short term.

I am feeling fine so far but I am ready for my painkillers when the time comes round.  I didn't sleep to well last night but I think that was down to the amount of sleep I had had during the afternoon. I am starting to get swelly belly due to the gas that is used as part of the op, I am drinking peppermint tea and sucking mint sweeties in the hope of moving it!

I will keep you updated on my recovery but in the mean time don't forget to do your pelvic floor exercises it may prevent you going through this xx

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