- Go for a walk - if like me you have enjoyed the Christmas festivities to the max your clothes will be telling you that it is time to move around a little more to help shift a little from the middle! There are many general well being benefits associated with walking including a boost to your vitamin D levels. Check out the walking clubs available in many UK areas and these are some of the benefits to be gained.
- Read - chances are that most of us will have a few unread books lying around the house that we received at Christmas or have just not got round to starting. Get them out and give them ago, if the reason that they have remained unread is that these are just not your cup of tea pass them on it will help with the decluttering. I don't have an e-reader but there seems to be plenty of free books on Amazon when I am browsing on there
- Christmas presents - revisit the gifts you received, there was probably so much going on that you didn't get time to fully appreciate everything. I am planning to indulge in a nice long soak in a bubbly bath with my rubber ducky later as I got a lovely Crabtree and Evelyn gift set. If there any gifts that were unsuitable and need to be returned check with the store beforehand. Which provide a clear guideline to your UK rights but some stores offer extended return dates for Christmas gifts until the end of January.
- ebay - strictly selling not buying! it will help to make some space for all your new Christmas gifts as well as helping the finances. Also check out Facebook as there are many local selling groups that don't charge selling fees and if they are local the buyers should be able to collect, saving them money on P&P too.
- If you haven't already got one print out a free calendar for the year here are some free printables. Don't forget to transfer all your important dates over from the previous year and add in any events you may already have booked
We have had a smattering of snow here in the middle bit of the UK so walking has not been on my agenda today, this evening is looking like bath, PJ's, book or film and a nice mug of hot chocolate curled up on the sofa. Enjoy what is left of your weekend and leave a comment below to share your Sunday night plans.
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