The USA have declared September as National sewing month

I like the idea of having a month dedicated to sewing not only does it encourage you to take up your needle it also is an acknowledgement of the many sewers that are out there, it is generally a solitary pursuit which is why so many of us keep our blogs to communicate with the wider sewing community
This 30 minute sewing challenge was brought to my attention on a Facebook group as a way of celebrating this. I like the idea of committing to just 30 minutes of sewing a day for the month and it would be interesting to see what could be achieved by adding all these little pieces of time together, but I also know that this is not going to happen for me every day in September as we are on holiday plus I haven’t done anything in the past 3 days.
It did raise a few questions though
- Will I be able to stop at the 30 minute mark?
- Will I need to set an alarm?
- Would it be like when the factory whistle blows and tools are downed mid seam only to be picked up the following day?
- Does the 30 minutes include time for gathering your bits and bobs together?
- Does reading/writing sewing blogs, browsing fabric websites and talking on Facebook groups count after all it is sewing related?

I think I might give it a bash in October, I have already earmarked a couple of projects that needed finishing off and a 30 minute hit might be just what is needed,, after all they are unfinished for a reason.
If you are taking part please leave a comment and share your plans
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