Thursday, 4 January 2018

2018 has snuck in!

Well my best laid plans didn't come to fruition and December vanished without me making any posts at all!  Quite a contrast to last years flurry of activity

It is now a little over 10 weeks since my op and I ventured into work for a couple of hours today. I got a fabulous reception from everyone and it was lovely to be back with my work "family".

The Christmas decorations are coming down tomorrow and I have a few plans to fill the blank spaces to avoid that emptiness that always seem to follow the excess. I will try and get some photos to put up but the lighting at this time of year is so poor I won't make any promises.

I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year, we were lucky enough to see in the New Year at St Ives. They close off the streets, everyone dresses up in fancy dress and there are fireworks on the beach, it is tremendous fun for all ages.  We dressed up as a family of "where's Wally" including baby Esme complete with stripey tights and a body suit x