Saturday, 6 February 2016

Free make 3 -St Valentine's tealight holders

Love is in the air, not to mention the supermarkets and high street shops! the 2016 St Valentines shopping season has been declared open. This year I have lots of love but not much cash at the moment so the tea light holding jam jars are in for a make over.

Valentines - free make

I have created a mosaic affect using this selection of  this"decorative tape" I got from e-bay.
This was definitely a case of buyer beware also known as don't get clicky on e-bay!  I thought I was buying washi tape but what I got was a decorative plastic tape.  I was quite overwhelmed by the sheer volume of reels as much as anything and strangely there doesn't seem to be very much tape on any of them. I think I will be good for St Valentine's related tapes for a good few years to come!

decorative tapes

I am guessing that most people do not have this kind of tape lying around at home but you probably do have a glue stick or sticky tape and an old magazine or flyer and this would work just as well and of couse this would make it free.  I just snipped a piece of tape off, then cut it down into smaller pieces and stuck them on haphazardly to form a rough heart shape. This may be easier to do with paper as you can try things against each other to see how they look before sticking it down.  I tried to put something in the middle like a heart of some words to act as a focal point and I overlapped some edges but also left a few small gaps.

St Valentines - free makes

I will be putting either tealights or twinkle lights in mine, but they would work very well filled with sweets or chocolates.

Valentines Jam Jars

I am planning to use the same technique to make my Valentine's card and I will pop up a piccy once I have made it.

Do you celebrate St Valentines? or do you think it is just a commercial fuss over nothing? please share your thoughts in the comments

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